
yl.beam #52 november 2017

  • Poppie Meyer, ZS6BCP  Silent key.
  • Congratulations RAE Candidates  
  • Further Afield : YL Grants? And Tasmanian Yls 
  • South African Amateur Radio Development Trust (SAARDT) Bursary Scheme 
  • Ja-Well-No-Fine &  EchoLink
  • Amateur Radio Ladies (YL) Networks on Facebook 
  • Contacts & Calendar

Silent key.
It is with deep regret that we must announce that the key of Poppie Meyer, ZS6BCP, has gone silent during the week. We extend our sincere condolences to her husband Hansie, ZS6AIK, family and friends. (SARL weekly news in English 2017-10-21)

Poppie Meyer,  ZS6BCP
(Article below by Poppie's husband  OM  ZS6AIK)
ZS6BCP Poppie Meyer appeared in the SA Radio League March 1962 Callbook Ek verwerf my lisensie ZS6AIK op 30 November 1959, nadat ek verhuis het na Pretoria, maar ek het toe nog nie n stasie gehad nie. Toe ontmoet ek n man wat my hele lewe verander het. OK
Sunny Greef ZS6IO. Hy het my toegelaat om sy stasie te gebruik, en nie net dit nie, hy leer toe ook my verloofde (later my vrou) om 'n Radio Amateur te word. Sy verwerf haar radio lisensie ZS6BCP September 1961. Sunny het ons ook gehelp om ons eie stasie op te bou. Hy het ons ook op motor tydwedrenne saam geneem en touwys gemaak hoe om beheerde radio nette te beheer.
Toe is die gort gaar, ek het besef Amateur Radio kan ook aangewend word vir hulp aan die gemeendskap. 'n Trofee was deur my aan die Pretoria Radio Klub geskenk om dank te betoon aan twee Oks wat my geleer het om my radio vir die gemeenskap in diens te stel. Die trofee word genoem "Die Sunny Don Trofee". Hulle was Sunny Greeff ZS6IO en Don Steward ZS6IA Ek en my vrou Poppie het so baie tydwedrenne gedoen dat dit my lank sal neem om almal te tel.
Van die tydrenne was die Castrol, LM Rally, Total rally, Roof of Africa, Radio 5, Sasol Rally.
BNU ( Banco Nacionnal Ultramarino) 'n tydren gereël deur die Portegeuse, ens. Ek en Poppie het telkemale die beheerstasies van die grootste tydwedrenne behartig, ook buite ons land grense, bv Swaziland, Lesotho en Mozambique.
Van al my Amateur aktiweteite was die Raport Fiets Toere vir my en my vrou die aangenaamste. Ons het aan drie toere deelgeneem. Elke toer het twee weke  geduur en was uit die boonste rakke. Ek wil hier net hulde bring aan Radio Amateurs wat in die span was, dit was Tinus Lange ZS6TL, (Hoof van die span) Hilda Lange ZS6HL, Poppie Meyer ZS6BCP, en myself ZS6AIK.
Ek wil dit vir die lesers noem dat om jou Radio te gebruik om die gemeenskap te dien n ander lewe van ons stokperdjie open, en glo my dit word opreg gewaardeer deur hulle.
(WATTS 06-2016 p5/6  Monthly Newsletter of the Pretoria Amateur Radio Club)

Congratulations & Welcome
The following 10 ladies, listed alphabetically, are warmly welcomed and congratulated on passing the recent  RAE (21 October 2017): 
ZS6LIS Clarke, Clarissa Roodepoort
ZS6ATN De Nysschen, Antoinette Roodepoort (heard on air 29/10/17)
ZS3SW de Wet, Sonet Vanderkloof
ZS6RCB Eloff, Riana Vanderbiljpark
ZS1IC Faasen, Mariska Bellville
ZU1N Jansen van Vuuren, Nadia Worcester
ZS6DLR Le Roux, Deidre Honeydew
ZS5RPP Palminha, Robyn Durban
ZS1JD Porter, Drusilla Jayne Bellville
ZS6MYS Schnetler, Chantell Roodepoort
Special congratulationss to Mariska Faasen ZS1IC, previously of the SARL admin department! 

Gary Immelman ZS6YI on West Rand ARC Facebook: 29/10/2017 
Congratulations to all, welcome to the airwaves and well done!
I fondly remember the original ZS6ATN, by coincidence one of the first woman radio hams in the Vaal. Tannie Anna Steytler was a very active radio ham who did an amazing job as secretary of the Southern Transvaal branch of the SARL. I met her in early 1969 when I joined the SARL as a young listner with the call sign ZS6276

Anna Steytle's callsign ZS6ATN, appears in the SARL callbookof  March 1962
She was awarded the Jack Twine Awardin  1966 and the Willy Wilson Award 1976  
YL # 23 Aug-Sept, 2014  announced that ZS6ATN / ZS5AP / ZS4AP  Anna Steytler, SK  9 Sept. 2014

Further Afield : 
YL Grants? And Tasmanian YLs
From  Linda VK7QP:
 ALARA is doing a survey of what sponsorships or grants are available internationally for YLs. 
We are fortunate to have a few $$$ in the kitty at the moment, and we are trying to decide how best to share it around. Any thoughts or ideas welcome.
Anyone with information could sent it to my ALARA email vk7@alara.org.au
We have a weekly national net for ALARA mixing between Echolink and 80metres. While 80 metres is more real 'radio', we get more reliable contact using Echolink so it is easier to keep in touch. 

Tasmania is a surprisingly large island for those unfamiliar with Australia. It is about the same size as Ireland. I live at Bellerive, near Hobart, and the five YLs in the south of the state meet about monthly for coffee. It is a 2.5 hour drive to Launceston, the main town in the north, and even further to Burnie, so the ladies up there are not able to join us.
My husband Martin, VK7GN, and I have been getting a remote shack set up, about an hour's drive away from home. This gets us away from the local QRM and we don't have to worry about interference we may cause.
33 Linda VK7QP

South African Amateur Radio Development Trust (SAARDT) -  TONY REUMERMAN  Bursary Scheme 
Four bursaries offered during 2017 for students and learners under 26 years old to study for and write the Class A Radio Amateur Examination.  Each bursary is valued at R1000. This will cover the RAE examination fee, cost of the first year license with the balance towards tuition cost.
Two bursaries are available for the May examination and two for the November examination. 
Bursaries are awarded at the discretion of the Board of Trustees of the South African Amateur Radio Development trust   saardt@intekom.co.za

Tthis issue is about   Echolink and you are probably wondering 'who needs it'?
We (your editor ZS5YH and OM) live surrounded by hills, about 70 kms away from the nearest linked repeater; too far to 'hit' directly but we can use Echolink.
Perhaps you are new to Amateur Radio, got your license but don't know who to listen to or what sort of radio to buy? Echolink on a Smartphone or PC can help you to listen  and join Amateur Radio Nets.
You'r travelling, maybe even in another country, use your registered Echolink connection (PC, Smartphone)  to stay connected to your local bulletins and nets 'back home'.  
Its an App for Radio Amateurs. 
Silence makes no friends! 

EchoLink is a computer-based Amateur Radio system distributed free of charge that allows radio amateurs to communicate with other amateur radio operators using Voice over IP (VoIP) technology on the Internet for at least part of the path between them.

You can use EchoLink to connect your station (or your computer) over the Internet to other amateurs using the same software, and carry on a voice QSO.  
For licensed hams, EchoLink® software opens up new possibilities for communicating around the world with other amateurs.  

You can access EchoLink either with a radio or a computer.  
If you are in range of an FM repeater or simplex station equipped with EchoLink, you can use DTMF [Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency] commands from your radio to access the EchoLink network.  EchoLink is an extension of conventional voice modes, particularly FM.
Any low-power handheld amateur radio transceiver which can contact a local EchoLink node (a node is an active EchoLink station with a transceiver attached) can then use the Internet connection of that station to send its transmission via VoIP to any other active EchoLink node, worldwide. 

Your PC links you or your local repeater to any of thousands of other stations over the Internet.
If you are a licensed amateur with an Internet-connected PC, you can access EchoLink stations directly from your PC. 
If you don’t have a mobile radio or an HT [Handy Talkie] OR a repeater in the area that has a Echolink, then you will have to use a computer. 

 To be able to use Echolink on your PC or smartphone, you need to install the software, register your callsign at www.echolink.org/, and then confirm that you hold a valid amateur radio licence. To prove you have a licence, you are required to either scan and upload an image of the first page of your licence, or fax a copy of your licence to the number provided. You can find out more about how to do this from the Echolink site

EchoLink is offered free of charge to the worldwide Amateur Radio community for the purpose of setting up simplex and repeater links that can be accessed by other EchoLink users.

Niece Kaoneuln Haynes
all yl's come to www.echolink.org connect to ALARA conference node also nfarl.dodropin.org YL's only
Amateur Radio Ladies (YL) Networks        Facebook 
AMRS Frauenreferat – YL's (Austrian Military Radio Society)
ALARA  (Australian Ladies Amateur Radio Ass) www.facebook.com/groups/alararadio/
BYLARA (British Young Ladies AR Ass) www.facebook.com/groups/274292375944452/   
CLARA - Canadian Ladies Amateur Radio Association   facebook.com/groups/129299648738242 
Grupo YLs-Amateur Rádio Ladies-Portugal"  www.facebook.com/groups/122062238251916/
Ladies On The Air  www.facebook.com/LadiesOnTheAir/ 
YLs-Amateur Rádio Ladies-Portugal" www.facebook.com/CT2ISX
YL de France website http://yls.r-e-f.org/en 
YL Ham Radio Operators www.facebook.com/groups/ylhamradio.operators/     
Young Ladies' Radio League, Inc.  www.facebook.com/www.ylrl.org 
SYLRA (Scandinavian YL Radio Amateurs) www.facebook.com/groups/359564047406812/ 
Women in Ham Radio Fan Page   www.facebook.com/groups/108446132516004/
Women on The Radio (Spanish)  www.facebook.com/groups/1913222872262810/ 

Facebook ‘HAM YL’ ;
yl.beam newsletters  zs6ye.yl@gmail.com    
Archive copies of yl.beam available @ :
& Italian Radio Amateurs Union: QTC U.R.I. –  La rivista della Unione Radioamatori Italiani

Calendar November 2017
4 Nov.      YL-MAFC  (Austria)
4 Nov   SARL RaDAR Challenge [Sat 24 Hrs]
4 Nov Netherlands 57th Ham Radio Convention, Apeldoorn (VERON, Dutch radio soc.)
5 Nov       PEARS (Port Elizabeth AR Society) HF Contest  RSA
5 Nov   EANET Sprint Contest - Radio Clubs of the World Award   08:00 to 12:00 UTC
5 Nov Ballarat Hamvention  2017 (Aus) ; 5  Nov    Brasil –  Dia Nacional do Radioamador 
11 Nov      9º Jornada Radial Ferroviaria Argentina (Railways On The Air) 
11 Nov   Gold Coast ARC HAMFEST (Aus).
11-12 Nov  FIRAC  Fédération Internationale des Radio Amateurs Cheminot (Railways) - HF SSB Contest  http://www.firac.de/html/contest.
12 Nov      Remembrance Sunday
16-19 Nov. 45th SEAnet Convention 2017 [Thurs -  Sun]  Siem Reap,  Cambodia (Asia)
18 Nov  AWA (Antique Wireless Assoc.) AGM & Fleamarket , SAIEE Johannesburg.
25 Nov   SARL Newbie Sprint  (RSA); Westrand ARC Flea market 
25-26 Nov  CQ WW DX CW Contest
2017 1 Dec  Start of YOTA Month

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